What is the school system?
ESNK is a multilingual German, English, and Arabic school. The students are studying 40% of the subjects in German, 40% in English and 20% Arabic.
Is The School Accredited?
We are working towards IB accreditation.
What is the highest grade?
For the academic year 2022-2023, the highest grade is Grade 6.
What is the acceptance age for the baby class and KG1?
3 years old on 1st of September for baby class.
4 years old on the 1st of September for KG1.
Do children need to attend a German nursery?
- Children who apply for Baby Class must have either Arabic or German or English knowledge.
- Children who apply for KG1 must have either German or English knowledge.
- Children who apply for KG2 and above must have both German and English knowledge.
Is it necessary for the parents to have a German language background?
No, it is not necessary.
What is the difference between ESNK and ESK?
The main difference is the certificate, our certificate is IB and ESK is Abitur.
What are the teachers' nationalities?
We have German and English native speakers as well as Egyptian teachers and different nationalities.
What curriculum does the school follow?
We follow Thϋringen and Cambridge curriculum.
What are the school fees?
Fees for kindergarten :110,00 EGP
Fees for primary: 133,700 EGP
Does ESNK and ESK have the same management?